Community members, 300 volunteers and 1000 participants gathered at Ackerman Park in Glen Ellyn to celebrate the 4th annual “This Run’s For Jack. Jack’s Fund has experienced tremendous growth over the last few years. Sharon Marston’s comments at the start of the 2007 race told the story:


Three years ago my husband, Jack, passed away after a nine-month battle with melanoma. At that time, this community gave my family an extraordinary gift of hope and support in the form of this race. Families, businesses and community organizations all came together to honor Jack, to celebrate his life and to help us heal. Now we are about to start our 4th 5k event.

As Jack would have wanted it; this race has become an event of hope and healing for many families facing melanoma. The race is called “This Run’s for Jack” … but today we also run for: Amy, Mike, Cathy, Julia, Kim, Laura, Ellen, Joel, Julie, Robert, Stephanie, Tim, Bob, Carol, Tom, Ken and the countless others who have lost their lives to melanoma and for the many others currently fighting and determined to beat this disease. And we celebrate the survivors who have battled and won.

As you run through the beautiful streets of Glen Ellyn and circle the lake, know that you have made a difference today, by honoring those in the fight and helping to find a cure.”

POSTED BY jackadmin | Oct, 10, 2007 |

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