2013 Bank of America Chicago Marathon

Jack’s Team – Thank you for all you do!
Click on each runner’s name to learn more and to support them.


Sarah Baldocchi is a friend of the Marston family and an avid supporter of Jack’s Team.

Aron Beach is a believer in the skin cancer screening process. At age 29, his wife was diagnosed with melanoma. She had a mole she thought looked funny and went to a dermatologist. Thankfully, it was removed and she now goes regularly for annual check-ups. Aron admits that if that had been him, he does not believe he would have taken it as seriously, which is why he now believes awareness is so important. His mother has joined the team this year, too!

Terry Beach, running with her son Aron, is in this to support her daughter-in-law who had Stage 1 melanoma a few years ago. She is excited to run with Aron for his first marathon!

Paul Born did not make the lottery for the race, so a friend suggested he run for a charity. Jack’s Team caught his attention because his grandfather was diagnosed with melanoma a couple of years before he passed away. He says it would be very meaningful to him if he were able to help others be aware of melanoma and support the fight by running for Jack’s Fund.

Julie Bruggenthies is too aware of the effects of melanoma. She has had 8-9 family members that have had melanoma or have passed away from melanoma. She lost her mother to the disease in May of 2012, which is why she is passionate about supporting Jack’s Team.

Michael Dempsey is a melanoma survivor. He was treated for melanoma in 1996-1997.

Amanda, Corinne and Nancy Ellis are longtime supporters of Jack’s Fund. Individually and together they have participated in a variety of Jack’s Fund races. Their goal in 2013 is to run this race together. Corinne notes that as an outdoor runner, she wants everyone to understand how important it is for everyone to understand how they can protect themselves against melanoma.

Sarah Fabiny is a returning member of Jack’s Marathon team. She was one of the first runners to register for the race this year. Unfortunately, Sarah is treating an injury gingerly and will not be running the race; however, she is still actively fundraising and looking forward to supporting the team in the future.

Anne Fabiny is Sarah’s sister. Inspired by Sarah’s enthusiasm for the cause, she joined the team and will be fighting melanoma every step of the way!

Wallace Gundy joined Jack’s Team in support of her friend Moriah Scott, who is a melanoma survivor as is Wallace’s grandmother.

Chris Hansen is married to a dermatologist. Based on her experience, they are both avid supporters of melanoma prevention.

Shannon Hughes is another Jack’s Team veteran. Her grandpa, also Jack, died of melanoma about a month after Jack Marston lost his battle with the disease. She ran with Jack’s Team in 2009 and is happy to be back in 2013!

Tom Johnsen is an avid runner and is a Jack’s Fund board member. This year he is running both the Chicago and the New York marathons. He continues to support Jack’s Fund through raising funds and awareness.

Alicia Johnston is running to honor her dad, who succumbed to melanoma suddenly on April 7th, 2012. She honors the fact that he raised her as a single dad and “seized the day” every day.

Dr. Nathan Joos is running to support his girlfriend, Alicia Johnston, who lost her father suddenly to melanoma in the spring of 2012.

Teresa King joined Jack’s Team to honor the memory of her father-in-law, James A. King. He lost his 6 year battle with melanoma on May 8, 2013. She says he was a kind and generous man who loved life. Helping others in his memory is an honor for her.

Dr. Valerie Laniosz is dermatologist. Her goal for joining Jack’s Team this year is to contribute to the fight against melanoma!

Theresa Longo is another medical professional who joined Jack’s Team to help support the fight against melanoma. As a nurse practitioner in dermatology, she understands the importance of the fight against melanoma.

Steve Lutz was friends with Jack Marston and his family. An avid runner like Jack, Steve runs multiple marathons per year, but he always saves the Chicago Marathon to run in honor of the Marston family. As a coach to many young people in Glen Ellyn and our “honorary team captain”, Steve offers leadership and provides inspiration to all.

Kathleen McGrath lost her beloved husband, Brian J. McGrath to melanoma. She runs and fundraises in his memory and to help support the research of treatment for melanoma.

Adam Miller , a long time Jack’s Team member, runs with Jack’s Team to honor the memory of his friend, Amy Kaphengst. Amy lost her battle with melanoma 6 years ago.

Jim Nagle has been part of Jack’s Team each of the last 2 years. He is an avid supporter of all of the Jack’s Fund events and looks forward to continuing his support of the great work Jack’s Fund supports in search of a cure.

Terry O’Connor ran with Jack’s Team in 2012. His first wife, Mary Kay O’Connor died of melanoma in 2007. He and his family are dedicated to raising money for research.

Mindy Ray came to Jack’s Team because she is a cancer survivor who loves to run! She was treated for a malignant melanoma and 3 basel cells, so she is committed to the cause!

Elizabeth Rohr embodies the spirit of community experienced by many Jack’s Team supporters. She is local to the Marston family and holds them and their cause close to her heart. She runs to help spread the word and support the organization along the way.

Bill Shipley is personally aware of the importance Jack’s Fund’s battle against melanoma. He was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma in 2012 and wishes to contribute to research leading to a cure.

Ramon Gonzalez is running to raise awareness of the importance of prevention and early detection of melanoma.

Greg Kutz – Greg is a seasoned distance athlete who haschose to make a difference.  He is dedicating his miles to melanoma research and awareness
Michael Joyce – Hailing from Boston.  this is Mike’s first marathon.  He chose to run on Jack’s Team to make the training and his marathon effort more meaningful.

POSTED BY Sharon Marston | Oct, 08, 2013 |