
I run for my boyfriend, David (who can’t run) … as my last promise to him.

Early on in our relationship, David was very active in sports.

He had a spot on his ankle that he thought was from a soccer cleat incident and wasn’t healing.

After time went by, the spot got larger and more irritated.

A couple years later he noticed enlarged lymph nodes in his thigh and was having trouble walking.

When he got it checked out, he was given his diagnosis – late stage melanoma.

David was 27!

He spent the next two years in and out of the hospital fighting for his life.

Throughout this battle he remained the same strong, supportive, loving friend he was to everyone he knew.

Always putting others first, showing up to work sick as a dog because people counted on him and he refused to accept defeat.

Sadly, David lost his battle with melanoma on December 21, 2013.

I run to raise money for melanoma research so someday there is a cure and nobody else will have to go through what David endured.

I run in memory of David so his legacy goes on.

I run because David cannot run and I promised to live everyday for the two of us.

~ Lindsey Richardson – 2014 JACK’S MARATHON TEAM-CHICAGO

POSTED BY Sharon Marston | Oct, 01, 2015 |
TAGS : chi marathon healing honoring Jack's Marathon Team melanoma survivorship