LIsa-2-200x200On March 3rd at 7:16 pm, I got the e-mail I had been so anxiously anticipating for the last 4 years – the note that said I was accepted into the New York City  Marathon!

That e-mail was bittersweet however since it came while I was sitting at my Dad’s bedside in the hospital.  My amazing, strong, patriarchal father had recently been diagnosed with Melanoma and I knew in my heart of hearts at that very moment, that he wouldn’t be around to see me complete this lifelong dream.

I also knew at that moment, that I would be running the race for him.   To honor his life, his memory and the 90 wonderful years he had on this planet.  I want to dedicate my blisters, sweat and elation on November 1st, to his memory and to spreading the word on the dangers of Melanoma – the horrible Cancer which took the strongest and bravest man I knew.

Lisa-NYC-200x200Melanoma is an incredibly underfunded and under-publicized disease.  One which is so often taken for granted as we tan, sun and enjoy the great outdoors without proper protection.   Awareness is the first step; prevention the second and research to find a cure the most important.   The risk of developing melanoma is increasing, and the cases of melanoma amongst young children are on the rise.  The main cause of melanoma is believed to be spending too much time in the sun, which results in exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. People with fair skin and lighter hair are at greatest risk, but anyone who is exposed to large amounts of sunlight is at risk.

Therefore, I have chosen to fundraise in the NYC Marathon through the Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Fund.   Jacksfund is a charity dedicated solely to supporting melanoma research and awareness programs.

If you’d like to learn more about Jack’s Fund, please visit the website.

Thank you for supporting me on November 1st by contributing to this important cause and helping raise awareness of this disease.

You are making a difference…for our health, for our children’s health and in honor of a great human being, my Dad, Lenny.

~Lisa Rosenfeld (JMT2015 – TCS-NYC)


POSTED BY Sharon Marston | Nov, 26, 2015 |
TAGS : healing honoring Jack's Marathon Team JF Awareness melanoma nycmarathon skin cancer