Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Fund Delivering 1,500 Bottles of Sunscreen to Area High Schools
Part of Broader Initiative to Raise Awareness Among Teens Ahead of Skin Cancer Awareness Month in May
Glen Ellyn, Illinois, April 17, 2008 — DuPage County high school students will get extra protection from the sun this spring thanks to a donation of some 1,500 bottles of sunscreen from the Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Fund (Jack’s Fund), a local organization dedicated to fighting melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer. The sunscreen will be distributed to area high schools over the next few weeks, ahead of Skin Cancer Awareness Month in May.
High school athletes participating in baseball, tennis and other spring and summer sports are vulnerable to sun damage during practices and competition.
Always-in-a-hurry teens will have no excuse not to use the sunscreen before practice or a game. The sunscreen, made by KINeSYS, the California maker of popular sports sunscreen products, is a spray-on product designed specifically for athletes — there’s no need to take the time to spread sunscreen on arms, legs and other areas exposed to sun.
“We expected that some kids will roll their eyes and say they don’t have time for sunscreen,” said Sharon Marston, President of Jack’s Fund. “We prepared for that and found the perfect partner in KINeSYS, which had a product designed for athletes. On-the-go kids can get the protection they need and their parents get peace of mind.”