Become a “This Run’s For Jack” Virtual Runner!
Any Race … Any Time … Any Where
Can’t attend the 5k in October, but would still like to join in the fun or support a team!
Make a $50 donation to Jack’s Fund, and we will send you a MEDAL and a MAKE IT COUNT #GAMEON dri-fit shirt to wear at your next 5k.
SIGN UP HERE: TRFJ Virtual Runner Tab
Everday people spreading the mission amoung their community … Virtual Runner started at the 2013 “This Runs For Jack” when friends from all over the country wanted to support the 5k, but could not make the trip to Illinois or had a calendar conflict. In 2015, teams were formed in Michigan, Virginia, Florida, Indiana, Wisconsin, California and Ohio … most ran, but one group just gathered at a local restaurant for breakfast wearing their Jack’s Fund shirts.
There are no rules, no finish times, no distance restrictions. Run/walk a treadmill, around the neighborhood or don’t run at all. It’s up to you. It’s on your time.
Form a Virtual TEAM
We welcome all who want to make a difference in the fight — Raise Awareness, Fund Research, Support Healing.
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Every step counts in the fight against melanoma.
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