“I run because I can. When I get tired, I remember those who can’t run, what they’d give to have this simple gift I take for granted, and I run harder for them. I know they would do the same for me.” ~ JMT
Excited to Introduce Jack’s Marathon Team 2016:
TCS-NYC Marathon:
[testimonial author=”Patrick (Spokane, WA)” description=”JMT – NYC”] In 2008 I lost my father to Melanoma. As an ex high school coach/teacher and Army Ranger he had great passion for athletics and competition. Growing up in Spokane, WA where we host Bloomsday, one of largest timed road races in the world, I remember our times running that race together. Running, athletics, sport have all taken on different meanings since he’s passed and truly represent the closest I get to “being with him.” I hope to run the NYC Marathon with my brother who now lives in NY and is part of the NYC Runners club. Running for melanoma seems like the perfect way to have him there with us. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Danielle (Pittsburgh, PA)” description=”JMT – NYC”] I am a MOHs Histologist and have done community advocate projects to raise awareness to the dangers of skin cancers [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Carla (Ann Arbor, MI)” description=”JMT – NYC”] My friend Dawn Evans and because I lost a friend to melanoma. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Bettina (Boca Raton, FL)” description=”JMT – NYC”] Melanoma has afflicted a childhood friend of mine as well as too many acquaintances. Having lived in both Melbourne, Australia, and Florida, I am well aware of the need for research in this field. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Coleen (Naples, FL)” description=”JMT – NYC”] friend’s suggestion [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Chris (Naples, FL)” description=”JMT – NYC”] A good friend of mine has been involved in Jack’s Team as a fund raiser in the past. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Keaghan (Lexington, MA)” description=”JMT – Alumni”] My father was diagnosed with Melanoma about 3 years ago so I want to run and raise money to help find a cure [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Greg (Moline, IL)” description=”JMT – Alumni”] My dad is a skin cancer survivor and I’m running for Jack’s Team in his honor to help those who are working to cure the terrible disease of melanoma. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Kelly (Smithtown, NY)” description=”JMT – NYC”] My 36 year old brother died of melanoma on Veteran’s Day, November 11.2013. Gregory was diagnosed with choroid melanoma at 20 years of age. He got his eye enucleated, and was cancer free for 15 years. Early June 2013, he began having severe back pain. On July 5th, he learned he had a malignancy that had already affected several organs, including his heart, liver, lung, brain, and bones. The melanoma, that we always prayed would never come back, returned. Gregory died that November. He was a well respected Journeyman/lineman. Gregory was a foreman for several of the devastating hurricanes that ravaged the New York area. He traveled to Louisiana for Hurricane Katrina, and also put Long Island’s lights back on during Hurricane Irene and Hurricane Sandy. I believe he is the guardian angel to all of his niece’s and nephews. And, I pray he is up in heaven protecting us from the storms to come. [/testimonial]
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Bank of America Chicago Marathon
[testimonial author=”Ben E. (Charlotte, NC)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] My father was recently diagnosed with Stage III (primary occult) Melanoma. He is in the middle of treatment and I would like to raise awareness about Melanoma. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Melissa (Naperville, IL)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] I’ve been considering a marathon for a while. I still don’t know if I can do it! But Jacks story and his team make me want to do this. We have been affected by melanoma, deeply. And one way I can kick its ass is by doing something [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Mary D. (Cambridge, MA)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] I am a Stage I melanoma survivor and I am running with my dad, Peter, who is a stage IV survivor [/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Peter D. (Madison, WI)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] I am a survivor of stage IV melanoma and my daughter, Mary, of Stage I. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Emilee V. (Indianpolis, IN)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] My mom fought Melanoma, and it actually runs in my family. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Valerie F. (Fairlawn Dermatology, Akron, OH)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] I am a dermatologist and also wish for more successful treatments options and hope for a cure [/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Chad V. (Fairlawn Dermatology, OH)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] Asked by colleague [/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Valerie J. (Fairlawn Dermatology, OH)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] My friend, a dermatologist, asked if I would like to run to support your fund. As an Internist, I have many patients that have been diagnosed with melanoma and I’m looking forward to raising money to support research and awareness. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Leanne S. (Fairlawn Dermatology, OH)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] Working for Dermatology practice and am excited to help support Melanoma research [/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Siobhan K. (Fairlawn Dermatology, OH)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] I work for a dermatologist and feel for families affected by Melanoma [/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Matthew K (Fairlawn Dermatology, OH)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] My wife works for a dermatologist and I feel for families affected by melanoma [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Marcy K. (Murphy TX)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] In October 2014 my friends daughter had what they believed a mole removed from the back of her heel. A week later the shocking results came back Acral lentiginous melanoma. Ainsley then had to have a large section around where the mole was removed, skin graft, and a lymph node removed. Thankfully the biopsy of the lymph node came back clear. However, in discussions with my friend and her involvement with a society for children with melanoma it is very clear that especially for children, by the time they realize they have melanoma they are already in advanced stages. So raising money for research and educating people, especially in regards to this being a cancer that affects children too!, is a cause dear to me. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Amanda H. (Chicago IL)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] After my mom had surgery to remove a cancerous mole, it became clear to me how important it really is to take preventative measures to protect against melanoma, as well as to be able to recognize warning signs to detect it early on. Thankfully for my mom and our family, the cancer never spread beyond the area of skin the doctors removed. When I decided I wanted to run in the Chicago Marathon, I knew as soon as I came across Jack’s Team that I wanted to be part of it. I chose this team because I know how important early detection of melanoma is and I want to support an organization dedicated to educating others on this, in addition to raising money for research. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Susette N. (Kodak, TN)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] Dear friend’s father passed of melanoma. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Courtney L. (Augusta, ME)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] I am inspired by this fundraiser, as my mom is currently battling Metastatic Melanoma. This is a silent type of cancer, and one that is often overlooked and not well understood. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Jared and Samantha (Charleston, SC)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] Because its important! [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Brian A. (Greensboro, NC)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] My wife was diagnosed with melanoma in January 2015. We are always looking to support causes that promote melanoma prevention, research, and awareness. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Erik S. (Chile)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] I have Melanoma [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Michael A. (Glen Ellyn, IL)” description=”JMT – Alumni”] I’ve had 2 Basal Cell Skin Cancer growths removed so I wanted to be a part of Jack’s Team. I live and work in the community and I’m also a volunteer on the This Runs for Jack Committee. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Mariana (Evanston, IL)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] On October 12th, eight months after her initial diagnosis, I lost my cousin and best friend, Alejandra Clasing, to Nodular Melanoma. Many of you know how much this girl meant to me, she was, for a lack of better words, my sister. I lost my top bunk companion, my future maid of honor, my memory bank, my voice of reason, my personal bully, and the witness to almost every shaping life event I had in the past 25 years. It would be selfish to say I was the only one who was left with an immense void due to the effects of cancer. Alejandra was a also a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a best friend, and many other things to a lot of different people.I will never forget the moment I got a call about her Melanoma diagnose – sadly, many other have been on the receiving end of similar news. So, I’m going to run the Chicago Marathon to raise money for a cause that is beyond dear to my heart and I am going to run it for Alejandra. I’m going to run because I can and I’m going to run harder for her. I’m going to run because I envision a world where every adult and child is aware of the risks of Melanoma and takes preventative measures; where those who suffer from Melanoma receive comfort and healing; and ultimately, where every case of Melanoma will be completely curable. And ultimately, I run because I know she would do the same for me. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Paige (Chicago, IL)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] I work with an incredible woman whose husband died of Melanoma. She has been a great friend as I begin my running life in Chicago so it is an honor to run with this team for her family and everyone affected by Melanoma. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Robert P. (Elmhurst)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] My brother passed away from Melanoma this past January. I want to run in his memory. [/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Rosemary P. (Elmhurst)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] My brother in law passed away from Melanoma on Jan 20 2016. I would like to run in honor of his memory. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Kelly and Jamie (Chicago, IL)” description=”JMT – Alumni”] I ran with Jack’s in Chicago and New York last year and cannot wait to run on behalf of this great cause and with this great team next year! [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Molly L. (Kalamzoo, MI)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] I lost my father to Melanoma in 2012. I am passionate about spreading the word about how dangerous Melanoma is. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Kaseedee (Jersey City, NJ)” description=”JMT Alumni”] I am a melanoma survivor and want to raise funds and awareness [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Kate-KC (Dedham, MA)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] My Mom passed away of melanoma, She was an avid runner and athlete. I’m excited to be running in honor of my Mom and all those who have loved who’ve lost a life to or are fighting melanoma. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Molly D. (Louisville, KY)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] Jenn was the first friend I made at UD. To this day she remains one of my closest friends. I remember Jenn lecturing me about how bad the tanning bed was, I of course did not listen. I notice a place on my mom’s leg and insisted she get it looked at. Our family doctor sent her straight to a surgeon, and she had her melanoma removed a few days later. Over the course of the last 7 years, raising awareness for the fight against melanoma has hit very close to home. I want to be part of a team the helps raise awareness for this cause. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Terrance (Louisville,KY)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] Jack was the father of one of my friends [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Jason (New Lenox, IL)” description=”JMT – Alumni”] I choose to run for jack team because I lost my mother to melanoma 4 yeas ago on march 7th. I run so hopefully one day nobody will ever have to lose a loved one to melanoma. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Meredith (Chicago, IL)” description=”JMT – Alumni”] My father died from skin cancer in 2008. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”David (Glen Ellyn, IL)” description=”JMT – Alumni”] I keep running for Jack’s Team because I agree with the mission of Jack’s Fund and trust the great individuals who carry it out. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Victoria (Chicago, IL)” description=”JMT Alumni and Scholarship Recipient “] I’m a Jack’s Team alumni and truly support everything the organization stands for and does for the community. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Sara (Boulder, CO)” description=”JMT – Alumni”] Jen and the Marston family are wonderful, special people that I am grateful to know and love having the opportunity to support! [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Tom (Lombard, IL)” description=”Board Member and JMT Alumni – Chicago and New York”] Melanoma has impacted many of my loved ones, could not run for a better cause. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Ken G (Glen Ellyn, IL)” description=”JMT – Alumni”] Look forward to running for Jack’s Team again! [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Abby C. (Glen Ellyn, IL)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] It is an honor to run for Jack’s Team. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Andrea A-L (Wheaton IL)” description=”JMT – Chicago”] Make a difference. [/testimonial]
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[testimonial author=”Coach Everett” description=”JMT-Alumni and Team Coach”] [/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Jeff P” description=”JMT – Alumni”] [/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Betsy P” description=”JMT – Chicago”] [/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Matt S.” description=”JMT – Chicago”] [/testimonial]
[testimonial author=”Laura C” description=”JMT-Chicago”] [/testimonial]