gwlogoThe Board of Directors is pleased to award a four-year, renewable $1000 “Game On” Memorial Scholarship to a Glenbard West graduating senior. In order for the scholarship to renew each year, the recipient must volunteer 10 hours of service to the Fund’s mission and maintain a 3.0 GPA at their University or College. Selection criteria includes a 4-year cumulative GPA of 3.8 or higher, participation in a sport at Glenbard West for four years, and the receiving a varsity letter. In addition, each applicant submits an essay, explaining how they demonstrated a “game on” attitude in life, including how their effort and enthusiasm have had an impact on family, sports, community and school.

Jack Marston experienced life with a “game on” attitude that was exemplified by his enthusiasm for family, sports and community service. The Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Fund is committed to reflecting Jack’s values of determination, tenacity, compassion and his competitive “game on” spirit.

IMG_0093We are pleased to announce Duncan Lawson as the 2007 recipient of the Jack H. Marston II “Game On” Memorial Scholarship. Duncan was chosen because his essay reflected the hard work, determination and team spirit that has made him a contributing member of his community and school for the last four years. The scholarship was presented by Jennifer and Jack Marston, III at the Glenbard West Senior Awards Convocation on May 23, 2007. We look forward to Duncan’s participation in upcoming Jack’s Fund activities. Congratulations Duncan!

POSTED BY jackadmin | May, 23, 2007 | Uncategorized

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