Why We Run: Daniella (JMTNYC2019).
Sharon Marston Nov, 04, 2019I was looking for a group that raisies awareness and promotes the education to fight melanoma. My mom is a recent survivor or stage 3…
Why We Run: Scott Barrett (NYC2019)
Sharon MarstonIn 2015, my grandfather was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma that spread to his liver. He was told he had 6 months to live. Miraculously, he…
Why We Run – John (JMT-Chi)
Sharon Marston Sep, 09, 2019Marathon Men: John Nannenhorn and Jack Marston training and finishing four marathons together (circa 1997-2001). Not everyone ran marathons back in the day ... so…
Why We Run: Jillian, JMT-Chicago
Sharon Marston Aug, 28, 2019It's been a year and a half since I've lost my brother Matt to stage IV Melanoma. It's been 18 months of a lot of…
Shade Shelters: shielding kids from the sun isn’t just about sunscreen
Sharon Marston Jul, 19, 2019Dr. Eichenfield, who is the past president of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology, called it “having a broad perspective on sun protection.” When it comes…
Why We Run: Jennifer Conner (JMT2019)
Sharon Marston May, 29, 2019[simple_slider arrows="always" nav="dots" transition="slide" auto_rotation="1" fullscreen="0"] [simple_slide img="http://jacksfund.onlinects.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/IMG_0217.jpg" alt=""] [simple_slide img="http://jacksfund.onlinects.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/IMG_6132.jpg" alt=""] [/simple_slider] I have been a dermatology PA for over 13 years and…
Why We Run: Tim and Susan (NYC2017)
Sharon Marston[simple_slider arrows="always" nav="dots" transition="slide" auto_rotation="1" fullscreen="0"] [simple_slide img="http://jacksfund.onlinects.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/38117468696_e059872b3e_z.jpeg" alt=""] [simple_slide img="http://jacksfund.onlinects.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/38117473616_c1cc1dc568_z.jpg" alt=""] [simple_slide img="http://jacksfund.onlinects.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/38118583756_0480a13a78_z.jpg" alt=""] [simple_slide img="http://jacksfund.onlinects.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/38174912071_073fc78063_z.jpg" alt=""] [/simple_slider] In October 2015 I ran the…
Why We Run: Jennifer Swender (JMT-NYC 2013)
Sharon Marston May, 08, 2019[simple_slider arrows="always" nav="none" transition="slide" auto_rotation="1" fullscreen="0"] [simple_slide img="http://jacksfund.onlinects.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/10656777816_afe8acdf7a_z.jpg" alt=""] [simple_slide img="http://jacksfund.onlinects.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/JSwender_Marathon2.jpeg" alt=""] [simple_slide img="http://jacksfund.onlinects.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/JSwender_2013Marathon.jpeg" alt=""] [/simple_slider] In 2008, I lost my sister to melanoma.…